Shelby Marvell
707-636-4225 shelby@
695 Sparkes Rd. Sebastopol CA 95472


If anyone asks, my job is “Computers!” I have programmed; setup; troubleshooted & repaired; and built all types of modern technical devices: from Blu-Ray players to Server Racks & the servers on them to smartphones to consoles to desktops & laptops to…


Certified Tech, Staples; Santa Rosa, CA — 09/2017 to 12/2018

Did sales of PCs & other office supplies & maintenance & troubleshooting on PCs, Macs, phones & printers, among other technology.

Technical Consultant, Sonoma State University; Rohnert Park, CA — 05/2016 to 06/2017

Did development of Drupal & WordPress sites & managed several servers. Monitored & improved backup systems. Helped to build their student learning program being deployed currently in Mendocino County. Did some static site design.

Tech Lead, Monte Rio School District; Monte Rio, CA — 01/2013 to 02/2014

Responsible for school Mac lab & classroom/staff PC systems management (managed all school technical devices). Configured networking. Set up network iMac server to perform mobile device management role.

Desktop Support, Sonoma County Office of Education; Santa Rosa, CA — 06/2013 to 11/2013

Worked with system imaging to deploy & maintain computers. Provided support for users. Helped set up for presenters.

Computer Sales/Technician, Computer Recycling Center; Santa Rosa, CA — 05/2008 to 10/2008

Repaired laptop & desktop computers for resale. Installed operating systems on both Macs & PCs. Sold computers & peripherals. Received & sorted electronics for recycling.


Santa Rosa Junior College, CA — Progress to computer science degree — 2006-2016


Computer & mobile device troubleshooting, setup, repair, antivirus, screen replacement & more. Fixing customers & co-workers various issues in retail & office situations.


Dr. Lynn Cominsky; [email protected] (707) 664-2655: Chair of the Physics & Astronomy Department, Sonoma State University E/PO

Dr. Garrett Jernigan; [email protected], (707) 664-9380: Scientific & Technical Lead for Various i3 Programs, Sonoma State University E/PO